Healthy Foods Choices: Sodas

Now I'm going to talk to you about sodas,

Over the past couple of decades,  Americans have increased their soda consumption greatly, and so does our source of empty calories,  which means that they're very high in calories and very low and nutrition value. So your drink sodas, you don't get any of  the good nutrients like you do from drinking milk.  

A lot of people think diet sodas are a good alternative to sodas,  because you're not getting the calories, but you're still not getting any vitamins and minerals from drinking diet sodas, and a lot of times people that drink diet sodas are not drinking other healthy sources like milk and they're lacking calcium in their diet .

One thing to think about with sodas is,  a 12 ounce soda has about 11 teaspoons of highly refined sugars,  which is just a large amount of sugar to bombard our body with at once hi soda consumptions.

Have also been linked with increasing obesity rates, so one thing to think about when thinking of the healthiness of sodas is, really working on decreasing your soda intake, and increasing your water intake.

Important things to remember about soda is, that they're very high in calories and they are empty calories,  which means they have very little nutrition value . high soda intake has also been linked with increased rates of obesity, and weight gain.

So try replacing your some of your sodas, eventually with drinking more water. 100% fruit juice milk those are all healthier choices for your body, and you're getting a lot more nutritional value from that.

While diet sodas don't have the calories at regular soda has they're, still not a good alternative  to drink on a regular basis.  Remember sodas and diet sodas and moderation fat all, and replace those drinks with other healthy things,  like water, milk,  fruit juices,  and non calorie carbonated waters. these are all healthy things to know about soda.

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