Healthy Foods Choices for Nut Allergies

Healthy Food Choices for Nut Allergies

Now I'm going to talk to you about nut allergies,

Nut allergies especially peanuts, are one of the most common food allergies,  and can be life-threatening. if you are allergic to nuts,  you can't just avoid eating nuts .

In general you really need to investigate food labels,  a lot of foods have hidden sources of nuts, especially peanuts , and it's important to look on the nutrition label because,  it will often say this product was produced in the same manufacturer as nuts.

This product could be cross contaminated with peanuts,  and so you really want to make sure you become a very good label reader,  if you have a severe peanut allergy, or nut allergy, you want to make sure that you make other people around you aware of this allergy.

In case you do become exposed, they know what to do to help you in the event that it becomes life-threatening,  important things to remember about nut allergies is,  their specific foods especially asian foods, African food sauces,  some baked goods you really need to investigate the label, and try to avoid things that may have been cross contaminated in the same  factory.

Also if you have a severe nut allergy, it may be important for you to make your own foods,  and bring them pack them,  just go to school pack lunches,  to go you know to work if you have that severe of a food allergy always make sure that you have an epinephrine pen with you.

And those around you know about your food allergy, and can help you in the case of an emergency, these are important things to know about nut allergies.

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