Healthy Foods Choices: Candy


Now I'm going to talk to you about candy, 

We all get a sweet tooth every now and then,  and candy is okay, in moderation one thing to  be careful of with candy is that it tends to be high in calories, and low and nutritional value, which means you know for the calories you're eating, you're not getting a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Some candies such as dark chocolate, you may have heard of it. they do have some health benefits. Dark chocolate has cocoa in it, which has been shown to be an antioxidant, to help reduce cell damage and reduce your risk of cancers.

The higher percentage of cocoa in chocolate, or dark chocolate, the more the benefits, so you want to look for top dark chocolate, there at least seventy percent of cocoa, other things that you can do is helpful ways to satisfy your  sweet tooth is eating things like pineapple , or citrusy fruits,  to kind of give you that sweet fruit taste after a meal.

Important things to remember about candy is,  it's okay to have a moderation, but if you want to have more sweet things, more often try to choose healthier options, like I mentioned dark chocolate.

Cocoa being a good antioxidant source, you can also choose more citrusy fruits, pineapples and remember that candies , typically are empty calories, which means you're not getting a lot of nutrition value for them,

So everybody gets a sweet tooth it's okay to have some sweets but just remember moderation these are some healthy tips to remember when eating candy.

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