How To Eat Healthy At Outback Steakhouse


Now I'm going to talk to you about how to eat healthy at Outback Steakhouse.

Outback Steakhouse has really made an effort to include healthy options for a variety of conditions. They have offered options for people who are diabetic, for people who are looking for heart healthy options, people who are looking for low carb, high protein, people who are restricting calories and the main way that they are doing this, it is really basically their regular menu they're just modifying how the foods are prepared.

So for example if you are diabetic and you are trying to control your carbohydrate intake, what you would tell your server is that you want their particular choice from the menu made without a lot of the extra sauces or for example if you are getting salad you don't want the extra croutons on it.
For somebody who is choosing from the heart healthy menu they would ask for their steak or other entrée to be prepared without a butter sauce without a lot of the high sodium sauces as well.

So again it is really a lot of the regular foods that are on their menus you are just talking to your server about preparation making sure that he knows again if you are diabetic that you are actually trying to watch your carbohydrate or your sugar intake so he will make sure the chef knows to avoid adding any sugary sauces or extra toppings that have carbohydrates.

If you are watching your heart health you can tell your server and he is going to make sure that the chef knows not to add a lot of extra sodium or a lot of saturated fat to your meal and really it is a combination of those things if you are working just on weight loss.
If you are trying to choose from their healthy weight options when you talk to your server he is going to talk to the chef about all those things, try to limit the carbohydrates and try to limit those saturated fats by limiting both those things, it will really reduce the calorie content of your meal. So without that you really have a lot of options there.

You can choose from a variety of things on their menus. Mainly about how the chef is actually preparing your meal. The other thing to keep in mind is going to be your selection of beverage. You do want to choose a low calorie beverage or a no calorie beverage, something like water, unsweetened tea, diet soft drinks, something like that that will really not add any additional calories to your meal and then as far as a desert item if you really want a desert it is better to split it with a group of people than order your own desert so that way you are really limiting how much extra fat or calories that you are getting and for somebody again who may be diabetic a bite or two of desert will be o'kay with their meal as long as they are not having the entire meal.

So those are just a few tips for how to eat healthy at Outback Steakhouse.

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