How to make a Low Fat Recipe From a Regular Recipe
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Fat Recipe |
Now I'm going to talk to you about how to turn a regular
recipe, into a low fat recipe.
There's a lot of different ways to reduce the fat content of
your foods. It kind of depends a little bit on the recipe.
We'll start with baked goods. If you're trying to bake cookies
or bake a cake or something like that, that calls for oil, a lot of the times
you can cut the oil in half, and then add that missing portion of oil, with
something like an applesauce, if it's a lighter colored baked good, or you can
even use something called No Bake.
It's basically a combination of applesauce, prunes, and a
few other fruits, that will really give your baked good the moisture and the
feel, missing from the oil, so that's one option for baked goods. Another option
if you're actually preparing an entrée that uses oil, you just want to avoid
deep frying. You can use a very small amount of oil to coat the surface of the
If it's something for example,a meat that really doesn't need
any additional oil, the little bit of fat that is in the meat, should be
sufficient. If you feel like things are sticking a little bit, you can always
add a little bit of vegetable broth, or chicken broth, or even a little bit of
That little bit of extra moisture will really help prevent
sticking in the pan, if you're pan frying something, sauteing something, so
that's a very easy way to reduce some fat, in regular recipes. Other options,
if you're using something that calls for cream, heavy cream, regular butter.
All of those things you can actually reduce the fat, by
using a reduced fat version of that product, and you don't want to go fat free
on the milk or the cream , but as long as you go with a reduced fat cream, or
reduced fat milk, that will cut the fat content down significantly, and will
still allow you to have the texture that you need, in that particular recipe.
Other ways, if you have recipes that call for a lot of cheese,
it's basically just reducing the amount of cheese that you're using. That will
cut down on the fat as well, and there you can determine what you're willing to
Some people can cut the cheese in half, other people will
only cut it down, by say a quarter, so that's a little bit up to you on the
actual taste, the flavor, the texture of the product that you're making, but
very often you can decrease it by half.
Another option is when you decrease, say for example it's
cheddar cheese by half, you may want to also add just a little bit of Parmesan
or Romano. That particular cheese is already pretty low in fat, and will
reduce your fat content significantly, so just a few tips, for some of the
different recipe options, cutting the fat in those.
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