Healthy Foods Choices for Vitamin E

Healthy Food Choices for Vitamin E

Now I'm going to talk to you about vitamin E,

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means in order for it to be absorbed into your body, it has to be a company with some kind of fat source.

Vitamin E is a very powerful antioxidant, which means it helps reduce free radicals in your system, and cell damage.  which can lead to things like cancer.

Healthy food choices for vitamin E or things like vegetable oil like sunflower oil, corn oil, also nuts and seeds., like peanuts and almonds and also green leafy vegetables.

If you have some kind of illnesses, such as Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis. You may experience a deficiency in vitamin E due to the malabsorption,  of fat in your body.

Important things to remember about vitamin E it's,  great to get lots of sources healthy sources from nuts and seeds, and green leafy vegetables,  if you do have some kind of malabsorption problem,  we may want to take a vitamin e supplement,  it's recommended that you get about 15 milligrams of vitamin E a day.

Remember that vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and can help reduce your risk for cancer these are all healthy things about vitamin E.

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