Health Tips For Cesarean Mothers After Delivery

Cesarean mothers after delivery

Now and I'm going to talk to you about diet and health tips for cesarean mothers after delivery.

Cesarean section is a lot like other abdominal surgeries in that there can be a lot of soreness, a lot of bloating immediately afterward, so in most hospitals, the day after you have this procedure you typically will be put on a clear liquid diet and will be asked to walk around periodically for short amounts of time to help relieve any gas or any pressure or any bloating that you may be dealing with.

In the next two or three days afterward you're usually progressed to a solid diet, more of a regular type of diet. It's highly advisable that you avoid any gas producing vegetables, things like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onions.

Those types of vegetables usually can produce excess amounts of gas, so you definitely want to avoid that in those initial days when you're still extremely sore and extremely tender from that recent surgery. Typically it takes at least four weeks to heal, so you want to make sure in those four weeks that you're eating a lot of nutritious foods that contain vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc and protein.

Those are your primary key nutrients that are going to help with your recovery process. So for Vitamin E that's going to be in a lot of nuts and seeds, zinc is going to be in any type of shellfish, it's also in some amounts in beef and poultry.

Course those are also going to be your sources of protein. Vitamin C is in a lot of different fruits and vegetables, so basically making sure that you have a balanced diet including some fruits and vegetables, some good sources of lean meats or shellfish, nuts and seeds for your protein, your zinc, your Vitamin, and your Vitamin C, remember these are all your key nutrients that will help speed up your recovery, after a Cesarean section. 

So just a few tips to keep in mind for your diet and general health tips after Cesarean section.

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