How To Eat Healthy At Quizno's


Now I'm going to talk to you about how to eat healthy at Quizno's.

One of the easiest ways to eat healthy at Quizno's is to pick something from their watching calories menu. This menu has choices among sandwiches, sammies, meals, sides.

It's got a little bit of everything, and these particular meals are low calorie. And because they're low calorie they tend to be low in everything else. They're not going to have a lot of extra fat. They won't be super high in sodium either, and there are quite a variety of options.

As far as the sandwich options, the way they keep these at five hundred calories or less are to have the sandwiches made with wheat bread and they are the small option, small option for sandwich. It's a similar concept with the sammies.

And then as far as the meals, there's a couple of meals; chili meal for example, where you can get a side salad with a fat-free balsamic vinaigrette. It is still very low calorie, but you are still getting a lot of fiber and some good lean protein in that particular meal.

So they have options in a variety of areas, whether it's the sandwich, the meal, the sammie, the sides. They do have quite a few choices for you to choose from that are low calorie, and therefore, they're going to be low in fat as well.

To complement this meal, when you choose your beverage, you also want to choose a beverage that doesn't have added calories from added sugars, so things like unsweetened tea, diet soft drinks, plain old water.

Any of those choices would really complement your meal and avoid adding excess calories from your beverage. So, these are just a few tips for how to eat healthy at Quizno's

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