Healthy Foods Choices for Type 2 Diabetes

Healthy Food Choices for Type 2 Diabetes
Now I'm going to talk to you about type 2 diabetes,

Type 2 diabetes usually has a later onset  in late adulthood,  and is typically related to being overweight,  as our body gains excess.

Weight it's less efficient at producing enough insulin to cover our blood sugar levels,  so other things that are important for type 2 diabetes , is also monitoring your carbohydrate intake, carbohydrates are things such as breads,  pastas  cereals, fruits,  fruit juices, or also carbohydrate and then some dairy products like yogurt,  and milk.

They also have some carbohydrate in them you really want to try to limit the high sugary carbohydrates, such as sweets candies,  desserts , sodas , those things can really spike up your blood sugar.

Another thing with type 2 diabetes is really focusing on effective weight loss strategy,  a lotof times when we lose some weight our body becomes more sensitive to insulin,  and you can actually come out of type 2 diabetes, but healthy things  to follow.

Important things to remember with type 2 diabetes is,  when eating carbohydrates choose things that are higher in fiber,  such as whole wheat,  bread,  brown rice , whole wheat,  pasta .

You want to make sure you follow choose lean protein sources such as chicken turkey and fish, and also choosing  low  fat dairy products.

When you have diabetes you're also at a higher risk for developing heart disease,  so it's important to eat balanced good nutrition,  eat regular  meals throughout the day , you never want to skip meals and remember to increase your fiber content,  when eating carbohydrates .

These are all healthy things for  type 2 diabetes.

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