How To Cure Heart Disease With Dr. Dean Ornish's Program
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Cure Heart Disease |
Now I'm going to talk to you about how to cure heart disease with Dr. Dean Ornish's program.
Dr. Dean Ornish's lifestyle program has two different components. He has the prevention diet and he has what he refers to as the reversal diet.
The reversal diet is the one that would be used to actually cure heart disease and it involves some core components making sure that you have support, making sure that you include moderate aerobic exercise, following a vegetarian diet and limiting your fats to only ten percent.
Your calories to only ten percent coming from fat. So it's a very restrictive diet, it can be very difficult to achieve or a majority of people. Having to limit your total calories coming from fat to only ten percent means that you have to include, exclude some healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, and avocados. You also can't have any animal sources of fat.
So for example even though technically you can have egg whites, that would be the only version of egg that you can have. You wouldn't be able to have an egg, an entire egg that contained the egg yolk cause that would put you over your limit for fat.
Also you are very limited with dairy, you would be able to have about two servings of non fat dairy whether that was milk, or yogurt, possibly cheese, but again you would have to be very, very careful with your source dairies, it's difficult to find any fat free cheese that actually taste well so if you are going to use dairy likely you are going to be using milk.
Or Yogurt and again you are only limited to two cups per day. Another aspect of this diet is that you can't use any oils. Again it is a vegetarian plan so you can get away with steaming your vegetables but you wouldn't be able to stir fry anything because you can't use any oils to cook with.
So it is a very difficult diet to maintain, it has been studied in the literature and it has been shown to reverse heart disease but it's very difficult for the majority of people to maintain because it is so restrictive and it is strictly vegetarian.
You are using whole grains but again you're limited in your variety because you can not include nuts or seeds or peanut butter or avocados, or any of the fats that we typically think of as healthy. And Dr. Ornish does recognize that there are some essential fats that you need but he recommends using supplemental forms such as fish oil capsules to avoid ingesting too much fat. So that's how you would use Dean Ornish's program for curing heart disease.
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