Organic Vegetables

Organic Vegetables
Now I'm going to talk to you about organic vegetables,

A lot of people are moving to buying Organic Vegetables,  in order to decrease their exposure to harmful pesticides.

A lot of times washing produce,  can be helpful in decreasing the pesticide residue,  but sometimes the pesticide residue actually goes into the skin of the vegetable.

So in considering buying organic vegetables,  think about things that you actually eat the skin so, things like bell peppers,  would be a good example of something you might want to buy organic.

Because,  you're actually going to eat the whole skin things,  that you can peel,  such as cucumbers or, eggplants, those might not be as big of a deal to buy organic there's been some studies that,  show the dirtiest are the highest vegetables,  and pesticide residues and some of those are things like bell peppers,  celery,  spinach, lettuce,  and, potatoes.

So those would be great things to look at buying organic,  so remember when you're thinking about buying organic vegetables,  again by the ones that you're going to eat the skin,  of the ones you're going to peel.

Aren't necessarily is important to buy organic,  make sure you wash all of your produce very well, and eat a variety of different produce.

So that you're  not exposed to any one pesticide,  and high doses these are all really important things to think about when eating Organic Vegetables

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